3 Steps to Avoid Burnout

We are more than halfway through 2021! Can you believe it? A lot of us are heading back to the office or the classroom for the first time in a long time and the rest of us are managing a hybrid scenario of the two. Whatever your new routine, it's not surprising that things can get overwhelming.

At Fitstyle by Shana, we believe in the importance of wellness, not just in the physical sense. You’re not alone in your exhaustion. It was recently reported that employee burnout is on the rise: 52% of all workers are feeling burned out, up +9% from a pre-COVID survey according to a report from Indeed.

How do I know if I'm burnt out?

Burnout is characterized by three dimensions:

  • feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;

  • increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and

  • reduced professional efficacy.

So if juggling the constant flux of schedules, pandemic preparedness, and adjusting to a new normal has you feeling frazzled, you’re not alone. And we have three easy steps to help you beat the burnout. 

Make yourself a priority:

Make caring for your personal needs a first priority. Everyday tasks feel easier when we're feeling good both physically and mentally, but often we neglect our own needs as we race through the days trying to conquer our ever-growing to-do lists. An easy way to prioritize caring for your body is to stretch. Before you sigh or roll your eyes, to say you don’t have time…try using the Fitstyle check-in to help you reset before and after meetings or classes. These simple moves are a Fitstyle fundamental that can move stress and tension in seconds.

One of our other favorite ways to create a stretch habit that can help you prioritize your body’s needs to destress is by doing shoulder rolls in the shower! Stretching relieves muscle tension, stiffness, and helps to reduce stress and those aches and pains that can be so distracting and draining. This means you will also start to get that energy back!

Incorporate movement realistically: 

Start where you are and with what you have. We’ve all set that goal to get to the gym or get in that workout, but between COVID protocols and adjusting to new schedules, it may feel utterly impossible. How can you possibly take 10,000 steps when there are 10,000 unanswered emails that need your attention? Try setting flexible step goals. Don't let that fitness tracker stress you out, set a daily step goal that realistically fits your schedule for that day.

For example, if you know you are going to have a meeting marathon kind of day, set your step goal to 5,000 and on the weekend when you have more flexibility, set it to 10,000. Set a goal consistently, but let that goal change realistically so that it doesn’t cause you additional stress or lead you to feel like just giving up!

Try scheduling a walk and talk meeting instead of meeting at your desk. If you're working from home make your space your gym. You can use your stairs, a countertop, or even your desk chair to get in a Fitstylish workout! Try this quick kitchen workout when you’re prepping meals or these office-friendly exercises.

Ask for help: 

This last tip is often the most important. We can't do it all. Period. Instead of dropping the ball, try simply passing it to someone else. It is OK to ask for help. Reach out to a coworker on big projects or delegate work to other team members; ask your family or spouse to take care of dinner so you can destress with an after-work walk; hire a sitter to pick up the kids, etc. Let others help you lighten your load. Yes, this is totally acceptable and necessary to do.

Want to help your whole office beat burnout? Host a workout or workshop for your team or department and boost employee morale in just 15 to 30-minutes!

Need some help bringing fitness into your everyday life? Become a Fitstyle member and get access to workouts that fit your schedule, relaxing stretch sessions, tips, and reminders on how to keep your day oh so fitstylish.