No Floor Core Routine

Your core is at the center of where your strength comes from. Most of the time when we think core strength we think of our abs, and then the dreaded crunches or sit-ups, but training your core doesn’t require a lot of equipment, a gym membership, or even getting on the floor! Let’s move into the end of the year strong and here’s how you can do that.

Why core strength is important:

A strong core is about more than having a defined “six-pack” or looking great in that swimsuit. Your core strength is important for everyday activities like reaching a glass on the top shelf or bending over to tie your shoes. Your core is responsible for working with your hips and pelvis to give you balance and stabilize your body as you move. Strengthening your core can alleviate back pain and improve posture. These five moves will help you tone and strengthen your core while standing or sitting, so you can fitstylishly get strong wherever you want.

Pull yourself in (engage your abs):

When you engage your abs you're focusing on activating or tightening all the muscles in your trunk (core). When you activate these muscles it keeps your spine safe and stable while exercising. The trick to engage your abs is not to suck it in and hold your breath, but to tighten your abs and keep breathing. Imagine a string pulling your belly button towards your spine, or like you are bracing yourself for a sucker punch to the gut. The good thing about this move is that you don’t have to be exercising to use it, you can practice engaging your core any time.

Try engaging your abs for 30 seconds at a time while in the shower or at a red light during your commute.

Wall Roll Down:

The roll down activates your abdominal muscles and relaxes your neck and shoulders. Start by standing against the wall and resting your entire back from head to tailbone against the wall. Walk your feet about a foot forward. Then starting with your head roll your body slowly forward as far as you can go. You want to go slow - imagine each individual vertebrae rolling off the wall as you inhale, on the exhale slowly roll from tailbone to head back onto the wall. Tip: the further your feet are away from the wall the easier this move will be. To up the challenge, move your feet closer to the wall.

To perform this move seated, sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor. Engage those abs. Slowly roll your body forward as far as you can, then roll your body (vertebrae by vertebrae) slowly back to an upright position.

Try this move at work, do 30-seconds of roll downs between meetings or emails.

Dish Towel Twist:

This move is a Fitstyle favorite. While standing or seated, with your arms fully extended out in front of you at shoulder height, hold a dish towel at both ends. Slowly rotate your torso to the right as far as you can, hold, and then back to the center; now twist to the left, hold, and back to the center.

Try completing 30 rotations in your kitchen while you wait for your coffee to brew or that water to boil.

Dish Towel Row:

Grip your towel firmly with one hand on each end and hold the towel straight out in front of you. Slowly, keeping arms straight and the towel taut, twist your torso to bring one fist to the floor. Return to center and repeat on the other side. Imagine you’re rowing a boat and your towel is the oar. This move is perfect to practice while making dinner or reheating leftovers and to do with kids.

Try 30 rows while the oven pre-heats or the next time you’re waiting for the microwave .

Countertop Plank:

This move can be done in the kitchen, bathroom, or even at your desk at work. Rest your palms on the edge of the countertop with your elbows directly under your shoulders. Walk your feet back until your body forms a straight line on a diagonal. Pull your abs in as you tuck your tailbone slightly and actively press into your forearms or palms to stabilize your body.

Try holding this move for 30 seconds then rest for 30 seconds.

Remember to start where you are and work your way up, strengthening moves can be easily adjusted by adding or eliminating reps, and time so working out can fit your style. You can add even more Fitstyle to this routine by shopping the Fitstlye dish towel collection!