Hydration Hacks with Infused Water

Drinking water is a key part of our fitstyle. Staying properly hydrated helps to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. If you find drinking plain water boring, try giving your sips a boost with infused water!

Mixing fruit, herbs, and veggies into your water will not only add a splash of flavor but can also help increase immune defense, prevent heartburn, and regulate blood sugar.

How to get started

Infusing your water is doesn’t have to be complicated and can be whipped up in minutes. Try adding water infusion to your evening routine and wake up to a refreshing glass of flavorful water.

Types of containers to use

You can use any container with a mouth big enough to add your ingredients; try a reusable water bottle or a fun container like a mason jar. Serving a group? You can easily use a glass pitcher or carafe to double or triple your recipe and show off your ingredients.

Want a water bottle that will make infusing even easier? Check out these Savvy Infusion Water Bottles from my Water Bottle Gift Guide.

Temperature of the water

Start with room temperature to cold filtered water and add your fruit, veggies, or herbs. Try muddling your ingredients with the back of the wooden spoon to release flavors into the water, then place your container in the fridge overnight. Infused water does best when stored and served cool!

How long to leave the ingredients in the water?

Once you add your ingredients you will want to allow ingredients to infuse for 12 to 24hrs for maximum flavors. Infused waters will last up to a week in the fridge, but you may want to remove citrusy fruits after a day to prevent the bitterness of the peel.

What to do with the ingredients when you’re done?

Once you’re out of water you can refill your bottle using the same ingredients.

Once you’re done with your ingredients consider freezing fruit like berries or veggies like cucumber to add to smoothies later!

Freeze citrus fruits and toss frozen fruit into the garbage disposal to clean and sharpen your disposal. Simply run with hot water down your drain with the garbage disposal on.

Of course, all ingredients can be added to your compost pile!

Ready for some flavor?

We compiled a list of some of our favorite recipes and tips from around the web.

For that sweet tooth, try these fruit-forward recipes.

Favor savory over sweet? Try these herb-infused recipes.

For more helpful tips and recipes

Now that you have the know-how, I’d love to know which recipes you try and which ones are your favorite! Be sure to let me know in the comments, or tag me in a water recipe selfie on Instagram @fitstylebyshana.