Turn Your Daily Walk Into a Workout

Walking is already a part of our daily life. We walk in our own homes, going to work, or for leisurely activities that most of us probably see it more as an innate part of our routine than a form of exercise. 

But every step counts when it comes to your health and wellness! You can make the most out of your steps by using them to get into shape and turn that daily movement into a walking workout.

Can you get in shape just by walking?

Walking workouts are a great way to burn fat and calories without having to do any other extreme exercises, a lot of space, or equipment. It also has a bunch of other benefits not only for your physical health, but also for your mental wellbeing!

Physical benefits

  • improves blood flow with increased heart rate

  • maintains muscle mass and improves muscle endurance

  • promotes better bone and muscle health

  • increases energy and stamina

Mental benefits

  • lifts up your mood

  • slows down memory decline

  • improves concentration and creativity

  • promotes body confidence and self-esteem

These benefits, especially the physical ones, vary depending on the intensity of your workout. You can choose to opt for a simple walk if you’re a beginner and still feel good physically and mentally. But if you choose to ramp up your cardio workout, you can add in jumping rope, running, hiking, and circuit training to get your blood and adrenaline going. What matters the most is that you do what fits you, wherever you are on your fitness journey!

So, when does walking turn into a workout? 


To start your walking workout, warm your muscles up with a few stretches and lunges. Don’t forget to warm up your arms and torso as well! This will help you pick up the pace for your workout.

Walking deliberately faster than your usual speed helps, but don’t go too fast that you sprint into a jog. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you’re still maintaining your breath enough to be able to hold a conversation.

To make your walking workout even more effective, you could alternate between intervals of speed. For example, walk at a regular pace for 2 to 3 minutes, and jump into a faster brisk walk for 1 minute. Or you could opt for visual cues– pick up the speed every third street post, mailbox, etc. (this is a great way to get to know your neighborhood, too!)


Similar to other forms of exercise, walking levels up as an activity when it’s timed. But how long of a walk is a good workout? 10 to 20 minutes is ideal for beginners, and you can work your way up as you gain your strength. You can start with a 10 minute walking workout for the first two weeks, and see if you can stretch it to 15 minutes, then 20, and so on.

Walking for 30 minutes allows you to burn fat and calories effectively. But don’t worry if you can’t get to 30 minutes immediately. The important thing is that you listen to your body and don’t strain yourself too much, but still be up for a challenge to improve your stamina.

Be consistent with your walking workout and commit yourself to doing it around 3 to 5 times per week. Having a designated time can be helpful to maintain consistency, but your walking workout could be spread throughout the day if that works best for you!


Challenge yourself by increasing the intensity of your walk through different environments. This includes climbing up stairs around your neighborhood, walking through an uphill road, or walking through a sandy or rocky beach. 

If an outdoor walk isn’t ideal for you, don’t worry! You can still get an effective walking workout indoors by creating a walking path around your space, investing on a treadmill, or even going up the second floor to use the bathroom (it counts, too!).


While walking sounds simple enough, turning it into a workout means doing it with a purpose. That means keeping an eye out on your posture and movement as you go through your walk to make sure you are exerting effort on the correct body parts.

Consider your workout accessories in your form, too. Some shoes aren’t meant to be used for exercising, and using them can develop body aches after a while. Make sure the shoes you’re using for your walking workout don’t compromise your posture, and that your clothes offer enough comfort and support. To help you out in finding the right shoes for your walking workout, check out these shoe shopping tips!

Keeping yourself motivated

There might be days where lounging on the couch sounds better than getting your steps in. And that’s completely fine! Rest days are important for your body, too. But for those days where you need the extra push to continue your walking workout, here are a few tips to get you motivated.


If listening to your surroundings doesn’t get you pumped up, music might give you the boost you need. You could listen to your favorite tunes to lift your spirits up– and if you’ve built enough endurance to sing along while walking, why not?

Music can also act as a metronome for your pace. You can easily look up playlists that are meant for walking, some of them customized to a certain speed. So whether you’re in the mood for a Staying Alive by the Bee Gees walk, or you wanna pick up the speed with Michael Jackson’s Beat It, you know there’s a song for every walking workout. 


There is nothing better than beating your own record. As you start the first few days of your walking workout, log how long and how far you can get. Use this tracker to motivate yourself to do better on your next walk, and to see the progress of your stamina as well.

You can opt to write your tracker down as a list or document your walking experience through a journal. If you’re the techy type, you could also opt for health apps that automatically track your progress during your walking workouts. 


A great way to make any activity motivating is by doing it with a group. Joining a class not only gives you the opportunity to stay active with like-minded people, but it also gives you a definite schedule that will make you more likely to commit to your workout. You also get the added benefit of a coach or teacher that will guide you through proper techniques in form and breathing. Plus, it’s way more fun doing a walking workout with good company!

Luckily, you don’t have to look too far. You can join our online walking class in the comfort of your own home and get those steps in!

Start a healthy lifestyle with a walking workout

While walking has definitely been proven to improve your health, remember that there is no singular solution to staying in shape. A proper diet, a good amount of sleep, and a mix of other simple to extreme exercises will also go a long way into getting even better results. But if you’re looking for a reset in your lifestyle and want to start getting into healthier habits, then a walking workout is a good place to start.

By committing to a walking workout, you’re taking care of yourself by getting into shape, taking some time for yourself, and prioritizing your mental health. It’s such a simple and fun way to get into exercising. And the best part is anyone can do it if you’re able to! Give these walking workout tips a go, and kickstart your new healthy habits by becoming a Fitstyle member today!