Maintaining Your Balance

We hear a lot about the need for balance these days. Balance work and life, balance nutrition, but let’s talk about body balance (literally). Do we have to lose balance with age? And why do we lose balance? How do we know if we have good balance? And how can we keep or re-gain our balance? 

One of the most likely reasons why we lose balance with age is because we don’t use it with intention. You know the phrase…if you don’t use it, you lose it? That truly applies here. Our balance is a skill that we can keep sharp with minimal effort. Here are some easy ways to keep our balance, keeping us oh so fitstylish!

How Do We Know If We Have Good Balance?

When it comes to movement, balance is the ability to control our bodies in a desired position. It’s as simple as being able to stand up straight without tilting over, or can be as challenging as trying to walk a tightrope. We can see how good our balance is by taking notice of how much control we have over our bodies when we move them. When we have good balance, everyday movements, like sitting, standing, and walking don’t make us fall over and aren’t a struggle. We can test our balance by trying to stand on one foot for 30 seconds. Whether you’re feeling a little wobbly, or looking to keep in tip top shape, here are some ways to stay in balance:

Practice Good Posture

There are many reasons to practice good posture, but did you know that our posture directly affects our balance? Just by standing up straight, your body weight stays centered. When you think about standing posture, think of the word “stacked”. Shoulders stacked over hips, hips stacked over feet. Keep the top of your head parallel to the floor, and engage your core. 

FITSTYLE TIP: Use doorways for a quick posture check! You’re looking straight ahead and not at the floor. Good Posture Tip

Create a Daily Stretch Routine

When our muscles are tight, they are less likely to function properly. When we stretch, we loosen up those muscles so they can do their jobs - protecting our bodies and specifically our bones. Stretching improves our balance and coordination, which can lead to fewer injuries. Falling or even tripping doesn’t have to be damaging…just perhaps a little bruising to our ego. Haha. Stretching also supports our body's posture, and we already know how important that is for balance.

FITSTYLE TIP: Try pairing a stretch to a daily activity. You’re aiming for consistency; the routine doesn’t mean that it has to take a lot of time!

Walk in Different Directions

Walking is directly related to balance. When we walk, we actually use both sides of our brains to tell our body what to do. Walking also strengthens our lower body muscles, which play key roles in good balance. Walking can also be a fun, fistylish way to exercise. Try walking in different directions - meaning forward, backward or taking steps side to side. It might feel odd at first, but it’s a great way to work on your balance!

FITSTYLE TIP: Join a livestream Fitstyle Indoor Walking Class! FitstyleByShana - Fitstyle by Shana Online Class Schedule

Take a Class

Fitness classes, like the walk class, are geared towards improving balance. Yoga strengthens balance with dynamic stretching. Pilates improves balance by strengthening and conditioning your muscles. And Tai Chi involves shifting your weight from one foot to another. Group settings like fitness classes can help us to try something new with a guide and give us the motivation to keep going!

FITSTYLE TIP: Try this Tai Chi class right at home! All Tai Chi NEWBIES Do These WRONG

Give Yourself Balance Challenges

You can incorporate balance activities into your everyday life. Think about those times when you’re simply standing around - when you’re in an elevator or at the kitchen or bathroom sink. Try this set of challenges: Stand in tree pose or on one foot while you brush your teeth. To level up this challenge, add movement like swinging your leg or turning your knee in and out. For an even tougher challenge, try closing your eyes!

FITSTYLE TIP: Walk along lines or cracks in the sidewalk to see if you can easily walk with one foot in front of the other and to level it up, walk along the curb!

Use It Don’t Lose It

Great news! We don’t have to lose our balance with age. There are so many opportunities to bring balance (exercises) into activities we already do in our everyday lives; we just have to take them. Our balance is supported by practicing good posture, stretching, and walking. And for some extra focus on balance we can try a new class, or try a balance challenge!

Which balance challenge will you try? Let me know in the comments.