Fitstyle Home Workout - Pandemic Edition

The pandemic may have completely thrown off your fitness routine or prevented you from even getting started. If you’ve been less active during quarantine, now’s the time to get moving!

But here’s the secret…”Don’t overthink it.” With these simple Fitstyle tips, you can start literally where you are and wherever you are in your fitness journey. Make those rooms and everyday tasks in your home do double duty to get you motivated and moving.

Start Where You Are!

Because we’re all spending a lot more time at home, fitness opportunities exist in all of the familiar places we go every day. Take advantage of your time at home by doing these super simple exercises while moving through your regular routine.

Kitchen Fitstyle Tip

Have you ever felt a lower backache while washing dishes? That’s because you’re probably hunched over the sink, putting the pressure of your upper body on your lower back.

Fitstyle your dishwashing routine with this easy exercise:

Kitchen Sink Leg Lifts:

  • While standing, shift your weight slightly to one side to lift the other leg off the ground

  • Lift your leg slightly up and then lower it back down, so that it just touches the floor

  • Lift it back up again, and repeat

  • Do 10 leg lifts on each side until you’re done washing dishes

To do this functional training exercise correctly, you need to start with good posture, which will help get rid of those lower back aches while washing dishes. Once you’re done, not only will the dishes be clean, but you’ll also complete a leg workout!

Bathroom Fitstyle Tip

Fitstyle your bathroom routine – yes, even the bathroom – to help wake up your body and get it limber and ready to move throughout the day. Here are a few ideas to use while brushing your teeth:

  • Do side-to-side step touches. You can use your bath mat as a guide. Start inside the mat, and then as the time progresses, make your steps wider until you’re stepping all the way to the outside of the mat on each side.

  • Do squats and add in a squeeze at the top to work your thighs and glutes

And at the end of a warm shower, do a few shoulder rolls. Your body has been warmed up by the water and it’s a great way to relax your neck and shoulders.

Fitstyle at Home Activity Cue

If you need some help remembering to do these exercises, try this creative activity cue to keep you motivated during your “quarantine” at-home Fitstyle workouts:

  • Write exercises on sticky notes (ex. march in place, calf raises, side leg lifts, pushups, etc.)

  • Put the sticky notes on your most-used appliances

  • If it has a timer, do the exercise for 1-2 minutes

  • If there’s no timer, do 3 sets of 12 reps

This pandemic + flu season, maximize your time at home and start where you are, with these simple, at-home workouts.

And, check out my Fitstyle kitchen workout dish towel to get tons of ideas for working out with your kitchen appliances.

**Need some simple reminders during the workweek to keep good posture and move more during the day? Fitstyle Mindful Motivations are text messages that do just that! Learn more>>