Energy-Boosting Work from Home Techniques

Lately, you may find yourself sitting more than usual, and have you noticed those ankles or feet swelling? Maybe a little backache, and those afternoon sleepies coming on?

These are all symptoms of excessive sitting. Our bodies were not made for sitting for hours on end without moving. But don’t worry! I’ve got you covered with super easy and energy-boosting strategies to fend off those aches and pains from too much sitting.

Stand up - Whenever, Wherever

Standing doesn’t take extra time out of your day. You can stand whenever and wherever you’d like. Throughout your day, look for opportunities to JUST STAND UP

Reasons to stand:

  • It engages all the muscles in your body

  • Standing requires using your legs - the largest muscle group

  • Burns more calories than sitting and increases blood flow

  • It’s much easier to get moving and be active once you’re standing

You don’t need to stand all day. Just getting up and sitting back down multiple times a day can help you stay healthy.

FITSTYLE TIP: Use activity cues as a reminder to stand. Every time you send an email or answer the phone, it’s time to stand up. Stand for at least 20-30 seconds, and then sit back down.

Challenge yourself to see how long you can remain standing!

Preserve Your Curves

When’s the last time you checked your posture? If you’re hunching over, the weight of your upper body can pull on your lower back, putting your body out of alignment, and causing pain over time.

Good posture helps you preserve the curves at the base of your neck and your lumbar curve, going from your lower back to your bum.

 And it has tons of immediate benefits. Just by standing up tall, you’ll look leaner and slimmer! (It’s an easy way to start eliminating that tummy pooch, too.)

Good posture also gives you more energy because you’re moving your body in its most efficient way. Remember good posture should look natural, not stiff.

Use this 3-step posture check to get started:

  • Alignment – Align the top of your head with the ceiling 

  • Positioning – Make sure your shoulders are positioned down and back 

  • Abdominals – Engage your abs by pulling them in

FITSTYLE TIP: Need a posture check reminder? Walk through a doorway and notice if you’re going in head first. You should be upright, and the core of your body should move through evenly.

Now’s a great time to stand up and check that posture.

Want some help with your posture? Join my FREE 10-Day Good Posture Challenge!

Leave me a comment about the activity cue you’ll use to remember to stand up more!