How to Have a Fit Fun Thanksgiving Feast

Thanksgiving kicks off that holiday season, which can be the best time of year to enjoy yourself and all those tasty treats, but can also be the worst when it comes to exercising. Because what's the one room you can count on hitting? For me, it’s more like the kitchen than the gym! Haha.

Here are a few of my fitstyle tips to help you find ways to bring fitness into the preparations and time that we’re spending with friends and family…and bonus they’ll help you avoid overeating and burn off some calories, too!

#1 Exercise in the Kitchen.

Use as much elbow grease as possible and make as much as you can by hand. When making mashed potatoes, balance on one foot while you’re peeling them. Then mash the potatoes without an electric mixer! Try a few side leg lifts at the sink and check out my Fitstyle kitchen workout for some other ideas!

#2 Use Small Plates.

Set the table with smaller plates. The more space we see on the plate, the smaller we think the portion size is. These kinds of optical illusions can lead us to overeat. If you use salad plates or bowls, consider putting the less healthy foods on those and saving the bigger plate for the vegetable dishes and healthier foods.

#3 Give thanks between courses.

Instead of doing all the talking before the meal. Do it between going up for seconds or having dessert. You need to give your body at least 20 minutes to send the signal to your brain that you’re full. And bonus tip remember to chew slowly....savor and appreciate each bite!

#4 Stay hydrated.

Sometimes we confuse dehydration with hunger. Drink water, herbal tea or seltzer before the meal. It will take up room in your stomach and it’s calorie free. And hold off on any alcoholic beverages until the main meal is served. But definitely don’t skip a meal. All the work that you and everyone put into it...hey, you gotta enjoy that!

#5 Get moving.

Turkey trot anyone? Participate in a themed walk or 5K on Thanksgiving and if there isn’t one in your area, keep it simple and just go for a walk. Play an active game before or after the meal. Be creative. Find something that works for your friends and family. If football is your family’s go-to activity, consider playing the game outside yourselves or if you’re watching on TV, set a rule like stand up and sit down every time there’s a play you like or one you don’t. If you’re not a big sports fan, play something like charades or heads up that will get you moving and laughing!

Which one of these tips will you try this Thanksgiving? Leave me a comment below.

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