Maintain Your Morning Energy All Day

Just imagine…you wake up feeling energized and fully alive. You’ve spent the morning checking off your to-do list, returning phone calls and emails, you’ve just enjoyed a great lunch, and then it happens… you yawn. You were on a roll - but despite the sun shining and warmer weather - you can’t seem to shake the feeling of desperately needing a nap.

The afternoon slump is real, that midday feeling of tiredness that comes on without warning regardless of how much or how little you’ve done. It’s what triggers the snack break or coffee run and that mile-long line at the Starbucks drive-thru! Haha.

Wondering if there’s a way to beat that slump without caffeinating, snacking, or just trying to push through? Well, you're in the right place.

All you need to do is start with the first Fitstyle Fundamental - start where you are with good posture.

When your bones and joints are in correct alignment, it allows the muscles to be used as they’re intended, so your body works more efficiently and can take in all the oxygen it needs - keeping fatigue away.

Try these easy fitstylish moves to maintain your good posture and that positive energy all day:


Stretching is an simple way to improve your posture, which can be the key to keeping your energy up all day. By standing up or straightening up, you naturally lengthen your torso and give your lungs more space to expand.

A good place to start is with shoulder rolls, sprinkle these throughout your day to keep your posture on point. Try using a post-it note to remind yourself to roll your shoulders forward, back, and down with every email you check or before and after each meeting.

Shoulder Retractions

Use this move to strengthen your back muscles and roll those shoulders back. Being able to pull your shoulders into the proper position makes it possible to breathe and move freely. Try adding this move to your lunch break for a quick and easy way to improve your posture.

Take a walk

Walking is a great way to boost your energy and focus. Take a break from your screen or tasks and head outside to get in those steps and soak up some sun. Studies show that as little as 10 minutes of midday sunlight can boost energy levels, and enhance your mood and focus.

Can’t go outside? Then try this fit fun indoor 15-min walk video!

Step it up by listening to music - music releases endorphins in the brain that improve mood, reduce stress, and increase cognition. Check out our Fitstyle Walking Playlist.

Want to WALK or STRETCH with a group? Try a 30-minute virtual walk or stretch class with me. No equipment or expertise is required.

These moves give your body the shake-up it needs to continue working effectively so you can finish the day the way you started, and remember every step counts!

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